Tuesday 20 December 2011

Dr. Showalter Johnson Travels to St. Croix, Virgin Islands

Channel 8 News from St. Croix, Virgin Islands had the opportunity to interview Dr. Showalter Johnson, CEO of Global Village Group and Tim Polowick, the Vice-President of GVG. They met up with them at the airport and followed up with the executives at their Villa in St. Croix to speak briefly on their purpose for being there and what they intend to teach.

Dr. Showalter Johnson has been traveling there, teaching local ministries and businessmen on the mysteries and principles of the Kingdom and how it should be applied to business and spirituality. While there he plans to meet personally with many of the Virgin Islands' key players, from professionals to clergymen and locals. He is also promoting his soon to be finished book, "Kingdomocracy". 

To watch the interviews, click the video below:

GVG Councils Puerto Rican Government with Dr. Showalter Johnson

Images courtesy of GVG. Photos of Dr. Showalter Johnson, Miguel Cintron, and Interpreter.

Recently, Dr. Showalter Johnson traveled to San Juan, Puerto Rico to speak to a large group of pastors and give prophetic lectures at some of the largest churches in Puerto Rico. While he was there, he met with Miguel Cintron who is the Director of the Office of the Governor at La Fortaleza, the residence of Governer Luis Fortuno. He gave prophetic insight into some governmental solutions for curbing the extremely high crime rate and violence of the country as well as some personal prophetic advice to the advisor himself.

Watch the video to see more.

Friday 18 November 2011

New Book "Kingdomocracy" On The Way

Dr. Showalter Johnson is rewriting Democracy as we know it.

Kingdomocracy is a new book from Dr. Showalter Johnson due to be published sometime in 2012. The book is not completed yet, but all that we know so far is that it's rumored to be politically and spiritually controversial, suggesting that there is a better system of government than Democracy, which has some people skeptical.

Dr. Showalter Johnson is accomplished psychologist, theologian, musician, and CEO of Global Village Group. As an international speaker, he has traveled all around the world sharing his ideas and thoughts about the kingdom of God.

Kingdomocracy is supposed to be spiritual book directed at young professionals, businessmen, and anyone with a spiritual connection that operates in the marketplace. As far as we know, it's expected completion is sometime in early to mid-2012. We hope that it comes out soon, we are very excited to see what views are expressed in the this new book, as Dr. Johnson is known for introducing many new revelatory ideas to the spiritual, political, and business world.

We plan to have an interview with Dr. Johnson sometime this week to discuss it more in detail and hopefully get a first-hand peak into the concepts and ideas swirling around in the mysterious philosophical mind of Dr. Johnson.

Lisa Nichols: GVG Partner

Lisa Nichols has become a familiar face in Global Village Group ever since we first partnered with Agape Foundation Bahamas to bring her to their grand launching event. She brought her motivational message in full glory to Bahamians and spoke to both children and adults about persevering and accepting themselves for who they are. One of the most ouching moments was a very intimate encouragement that she gave to a pretty young in tears over the inspiring words she had gave that evening. Although this all went down in April, it still remains with us now as she visits us occasionally.

Recently, Lisa Nichols dropped in as a surprise guest with Daniel's Den, a subsidiary of Global Village Group. Daniel's Den hosts an open-mic event every other Saturday night in Nassau and Lisa showed up and contributed a few encouraging words to the audience in the way only she can do. Fortunately for us, it's all on tape and we will be posting that video soon. Stay tuned for the update!

Until then, check out the old commercial for the event back in April 2011!

We Are Building A Global Village: CHECK US OUT!

New Commercial to be Aired on Cable 12 for Prophetic Conference

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Dr. Showalter Johnson Visits CEO Space

Watch the video as Dr. Showalter Johnson speaks about CEO Space and how it impacted his approach to business.

While Dr. Johnson was at CEO Space, the Chairman, Bernie Dorman, personally spoke favorably about Dr.  Johnson, "...probably the leading transformationalist."

As I'm sure those who have encountered Dr. Johnson would undoubtedly concur, it simply speaks volumes that the spiritual guru is able to impact individuals outside of his homeland of the Bahamas and relate to people from all over the world. However, this should come to now surprise, as Dr. Johnson has traveled extensively throughout the world speaking to businessmen, clergymen, and leaders for years. His insights on spirituality and living are still revelatory while those who currently train under him speak highly of his training methods. He has been called on by many businessmen, politicians, and great thinkers for his insightful advice and perspectives.

As Bernie Dorman introduced Dr. Johnson he said, "Now, I have coached Tony Robinson, the 'A' game players like Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield and you know, I look at Dr. Johnson as my teacher, my mentor."

Big words coming from a powerful man, to speak so admirably of Dr. Johnson by Bernie Dorman, but the most touching aspect of this interview is the mutual respect these two men have for each other. Rarely do you see two powerful intellectual men with such sincere and humble admiration and respect for one another. As Dr. Johnson had mentioned, he was looking for a mentor for many years having trained individuals far beyond him in years and experience, yet still without the source of mentorship that he needed most. By participating in CEO Space, Dr. Johnson has found wisdom in relationships far more valuable than his initial investment of time and has learned so much from Bernie Dorman's CEO Space.

Dr. Johnson is quoted as saying,"My life is being recolored, reordered, reformed, and I'm learning again. It takes humility to do this at CEO Space." "As a clinical psychologist, I realize that engineering is very important for getting investment plans, ideas, seed venture capitol, but "imagineering" is also another very important point. And what I've learned from this place is not how to only engineer, but to imagineer."

Monday 22 August 2011

Dr. Showalter Johnson : Venture Capitalism Finds It's Way To Moores Island

Dr. Showalter Johnson is about to join the exclusive ranks of land owners who have invested in private islands in the Bahamas.

The spiritual and business guru is currently part-owner of a multi-million dollar estate on Moores Island. Among this highly regarded privilege, you'll find the likes of: Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Mariah Carey, Bill Gates, and Baron Rothschild.

The Bahamas is home to many celebrities and has hosted the residences of all, nobility and notoriety alike. Baron Rothschild is apart of the prestigious Rothschild family and comes from a long line of Baron Rothschilds, whom hold thousands of assets around the world, estimated in the hundreds of billions. Rothschild, Johnny Depp, Dr. Showalter Johnson, Bill Gates, and Nicholas Cage all see the value in Bahamian soil.

Moores Island is home to a population of approximately 1,000. Bahamian islands and properties have garnered much increased interest because the Bahamas has very favorable tax laws and beautiful scenery with close proximity to both the United States of America, the Caribbean, South America, and Canada. Banking and tourism are the largest industries in the Bahamas and it's no wonder that banking giants like the Rothschilds have found the Bahamas to be an ideal place to be. But the Rothschilds are not the only ones who have seen the glory of Bahamian soil; Michael Jordan, John Travolta, David Copperfield, and Eddie Murphy all own property in the Bahamas as well. It is no secret that the Bahamas is home to some of the most beautiful beaches, pristine waters, thriving fishing spots, and yachting courses in the world.

[Moore's Island (red dot on the map)]
So what does Dr. Showalter Johnson hope to do on Moores Island?

Dr. Showalter Johnson is bringing together venture capitalists from all over the world and the Bahamas to build new infrastructure. Although many of the ideas are still under much secrecy, it has been rumored that they plan to take advantage of the popular bone fishing industry there as well as capitalize on the resort opportunities that are there.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Dreaming for answers

Answers can be in the form of places, people, and things.

As long as the answer is not highlighted, you will have a dream. A dream is a sign that the answer in you is not yet answered, this is because experiences have not yet occurred. There are experiences that desire to escape. 

Friday 20 May 2011

Have you ever had an encounter with conflicting personalities?

Begin to see the conflict designed to help you ask questions so that the answer in your subconscious can be highlighted. 

The major conflicting personality would be religion, their environments are sick: 

They will lay on us, press on us, take from us. 

They sit on our chest, while governing our dreams.

That religious spirit.

 She is a bad dream... rather a bad religion. She is like Baal, full of bull. She acculturates us and self depreciates "self" and our values. It is time to search for the true essence of spirituality. A demon is an answer cast out. 

I So Love The World

Religious spirits sit on the chest of authenticity, they lay on the truth of who we are, they press us, and they try to take everything from us. That old lady, the whore, that is connected to the religious system.